Wednesday, May 30, 2007

,drop it while it's hot!

As I nagged my roommate with idiotic metaphors regarding a topic none of us actually wanted to keep discussing, the most significant phrase to put into consideration as a an actual relevant topic to discuss was unconsciously splurged out of her mouth into the cool, quiet air of our college dorm: “Drop it while it is hot.” My immediate reaction as expected was honest laughter—what else was I suppose to do considering she was actually trying to shut me up in a nice way—yet seconds later, I found myself considering that actual phrase as a title for something, a book, an article, a “something.”

I have had many ideas for future books I “intend” to write and I constantly collect funny, ironic, or simply leave-you-wanting-more type of phrases in a journal hoping one day they actually materialize into something worth reading, yet this one couldn’t be left untouched, at least not now.

So why did this particular phrase struck me so much I was eager to write about it? Some may look at all this scenario as completely absurd—of course there is no way I would actually hold it against them because this phrase resembles the line of a famous hip-hop song by Snoop Dog— yet if anyone cares to analyze the meaning of it as I have set my mind to, a much more complex rationale takes life, one that is actually worth writing about.

I’m the type of person that has managed to find drama even where there can’t in fact be any, and even though a part of me hates it, I know it is one of the things that actually helps me breathe better in the morning. Knowing there is a problem out there I have to fix or a soon-to-be problem I am bound to deal with/cry over, actually makes me want to move forward. Yes, I am one of those freaks who LOVE drama, one of those who finds the whole rush toxic and enticing at the same time. Nevertheless there is one type of drama I find considerably unattractive and dangerously poisoning. A drama I find myself incapable of managing mentally and physically and this involves “relationship dramas.” Whether it is family, friends or love partners, having to deal with fights, awkwardness, he said/she said clashes that lead into possible lost of intimacy, freak me out. As a result of this fear, I have come to create a system that allows me to avoid such episodes to take place in my life. It is simple: find yourself in a position where you are close enough to enjoy it, yet far enough to avoid getting hurt. If for some reason, that precise spot is hard to identify, then let it go. Some may call this a commitment issue, a fear of getting too attached, or not being able to get emotionally involved. I, from this day on, will refer to it as the “drop it while it’s hot technique,” this meaning—for those who’d rather take cold showers/ live in cold climates/eat cold food—letting go of something while its still good enough to remember without feeling burned.

I know in part that this technique is dangerous for the simple theory that I might risk missing out on something good, on something that was meant to be*.* I have to point out though, aren’t the things that are meant for us, destined to come back anyways? Whatever the case is, I do applaud those strong-hearted folks who are able to jump from a cliff not knowing if the parachute will open—maybe even envy them—but I have to sadly admit I am one of those who are unable to let go easily and therefore rather stare from atop. If I indeed loose on something great, I know I will be able to live with that. One thing that I am sure is that I am stronger overcoming my mistakes than my defeats and that is a truth I am more than willing to live with.

It is a fact that life is a series of unfortunate and unexpected events that will eventually lead us into what our purpose in life is. However, no one ever said we weren’t allowed to escape a few unpleasant surprises before they actually materialize. Maybe I am avoiding some of the rocks set out in my path for a particular reason, maybe I am running away, maybe I am actually missing out on something good but since no one can actually be held accountable for my lack of emotional strength, I’ll follow my roommates piece of advice when I find myself entwined in a relationship drama and just “drop it while it’s hot.”

1 comment:

Shaula said...

being part of this inspiration makes me think that in fact, its good to have roomates!
i hope that you continue to get inspiration from every little aspect on your every day life!
Goodspeed Leslie!